Southwest Animal Care Center

11010 Southwest Highway
Palos Hills, IL 60465


10 Life - Threatening Behavior Myths

Have you ever wondered about one of the following statements?

* Puppies shouldn't go to puppy classes until they have had all their vaccinations, or they will get sick.

* Crazy owners have crazy pets.

* My dog is aggressive / fearful / shy because she was abused as a puppy.

* This new medication will treat your pet's [insert behavior problem here].

* Dogs that are aggressive are acting dominant.

* See how guilty he looks? He knows what he did was wrong.

* If you use treats to train a dog, they'll always be needed to get the dog to obey your commands.

* Dog chase their tails because they are bored.

* Any trainer can handle all behavior problems.

* I don't have time for behavior cases.